Finding a dental practitioner can be taxing if you don’t know the area and want to do a little more research than simply using a search engine and picking the first name on the results page. At Deakin Dental, we have a practice that is friendly, experienced and professional,  when it comes to helping you have a smile that is healthy and looks great!

Our Dentist Canberra is ready to meet you and give you the attention you deserve. First up, we will get to know you during an initial consultation, where we will give your mouth a thorough examination; this involves looking at your teeth and gums, examining the jaw joints, the muscles and looking for any signs of oral cancer. We will take a detailed medical history and we will note down any issues that we can see with your mouth, such as missing teeth. We will also make notes about any restorative work you may have had done before going on to discuss your concerns and goals for your teeth. Once we’ve had a good chat, we can then devise a treatment plan together. To finish off, we’ll also give your mouth some hygiene care to set you on the road to a healthier mouth straight away!

What we can do for you

Once you have had your initial consultation, by visiting Deakin Dental, our Dentist Canberra will be able to offer a range of treatments to suit your dental needs. Whether you require general dentistry or cosmetic dentistry, emergency or sleep dentistry, we have a range of treatments to suit your needs. We can assist with making mouthguards, tooth whitening and paediatric dentistry as well and we like to think of our dental practice as one big family – and you’re part of it!

Nervous patients

While we like to think that everyone loves dentistry as much as we do, we understand that this isn’t always the case. Dental phobia can be a real issue for many patients and our aim is to make you feel as relaxed as possible at Deakin Dental. We will take all the time you need to discuss potential treatments to ensure that you understand fully what is involved and you can ask as many questions as you need to, so that you know what to expect and feel as comfortable as you can about it. We also aim to treat you in a pain-free way, so that you won’t feel anything and can feel more confident about the treatment. We can also offer sedation and we will never proceed with a treatment if you wish to stop. We will take everything at your pace and put you in charge of things, so you can feel more in control about getting the treatment you need in your own time.

So, to find out more about Deakin Dental, why not contact us for an initial consultation and we can start to get to know you and show you what is possible for your smile? We want to put a smile on your face that you can be proud of and we can be the choice result you were searching for!

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.