We love to
see you smile.

Deakin Dental is a small but strong team that loves everything dental.

Get your teeth into what I like doing outside of touching your chompers.

・I am quite funny, that’s what my husband Bobby and three daughters say anyway. Laughing at my own jokes happens a lot!

・I have been told my hair is a barometer.

・I am a mama to beautiful humans and a crazy labradoodle called Ziggy.

・I have been told I run like Forrest Gump and  I complete marathons in my spare time.

・In addition to looking after your teeth I am into whole patient care and I am a functional dental practitioner. I definitely may try and get you into daily yoga and meditation to look after your mind, body and spirit.

Dr. Sarita Atreya

Principle Dentist & Boss Lady

Dr Sarita Atreya is a British born dentist and who has been practising for 23 years, having graduated from the highly regarded Barts & The Royal London Dental Hospital in 1998. In 2002, she attained the Diploma of Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - an internationally recognised post graduate qualification. Sarita has been in Australia for 13 years now with her husband and children, with experience working in private practice, hospital and community clinics, she enjoys a great relationship with her patients and team.

Her extensive experience in Paediatrics, Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, and holding an honorary specialist registrar post, extends the range of services that Deakin Dental can provide. Sarita loves to empower her patients with knowledge and guide them to have healthy smiles, treating you like her family.

Outside of Dentistry, she is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. She is a 350 hour Yoga and Meditation teacher; she runs and has completed marathons, loves travelling and learning new things. Hanging out with her three wonderful girls, hubby and crazy labradoodle, Ziggy, are her favourite things to do.

I am a fun independent woman

Poonam Chhajed

Practice manager

Interested in joining
our Dental family?

Are you passionate about your work and want to have fun doing it? We are always looking for the best dentists, hygienists, assistants, and support staff for our team.

If this sounds like you, please introduce yourself!